Simply Therapy

Simply Therapy



Everything that you tell me is kept completely confidential at all times. This means that you can expect total discretion from my service at all times. 

I operate a paper-free service, and with the exception of your contact details and GP details I will not keep any identifying written notes relating to you.

The only time that I may need to breach confidentiality is if you were to tell us something that caused us to become concerned about your safety or the safety of someone around you. 

Reasons for needing to breach confidentiality include:

  • Disclosure of intent to commit suicide
  • Disclosure of ongoing serious and potentially risky deliberate self-harm
  • Disclosure of ongoing physical, sexual or financial abuse of yourself or someone else
  • Disclosure of intent to harm someone
  • Disclosure of involvement in terrorist activities

In the event that I need to breach confidentiality, I will tell you what I intend to do and the reasons for this decision; I will not act secretly or without your full knowledge.